Looking for certified professionals to conduct a Whole-Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to:
- Comply with new municipal embodied carbon requirements for building permits in Vancouver, Toronto, San Fransisco, Portland, Seattle
- Receive up to $40,000 by reducing the embodied carbon of Part 9 buildings (City of Vancouver)
- Achieve Green Buildings Certifications for LEED, CaGBC Zero Carbon, Living Building Challenge and more!
Look no further! Hire the Carbon Wise team.
With multiple awards, including the BC Embodied Carbon Awards (2023 & 2024) and the 2024 HAVAN Trailblazer Award, Carbon Wise is a leader in reducing embodied carbon through Whole-Building Life Cycle Assessments (LCA).
As the first in North America to achieve BCIT’s Whole-Building LCA accreditation, our expert team uses cutting-edge methodology to quantify and minimize embodied carbon, optimize sustainable materials, and ensure compliance with city regulations.
Trust our award-winning expertise to navigate the complexities of sustainable building and take your project to the next level.

What our clients say about us
“Elisabeth and her team at Carbon Wise are the real deal. Everyone at Carbon Wise is invested in applying their deep expertise in carbon science toward innovative solutions that streamline decision-making processes.”
“Elisabeth and her team are phenomenal in their craft. They have expert knowledge and truly care about their customers. I highly recommend them for your next project.”
“Carbon Wise is a top-notch group of energy experts that also included embodied carbon calculations so that our clients can get a real picture of the environmental impact their home or renovation will have over its full lifespan.”
“I highly recommend Elisabeth and her team. The Carbon Wise team is reliable, knowledgeable, and professional but also very relatable. They are a team that is always learning and they use that knowledge to find the right solution that meets project needs. Working with Elisabeth is easy because she knows what she is doing and she has a high level of care. 5 Stars!”
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are Embodied Emissions?
Embodied Emissions (also called Embodied Carbon) are the sum of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions associated with raw material extraction, manufacturing, and transportation for materials production and the emissions associated with the construction, maintenance, renovation, and end-of-life of buildings and infrastructure. Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated relative to the impact of one molecule of carbon dioxide and reported as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) with units of mass.
Q: What is a Life Cycle Assessment?
A: A Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology for assessing environmental impacts associated with all the stages of the life cycle of a product, process, or service, from the acquisition of raw materials until its end of life (“from cradle to grave”).
Q: Why are Embodied Emissions important?
Unlike operational carbon emissions, which can be reduced over time with energy efficiency upgrades and the use of renewable energy, embodied carbon emissions are locked in place as soon as a building is built. As we build more energy-efficient homes with low-carbon fuels, Embodied Emissions represent a bigger portion of the emissions pie (up to 90% for an electrically heated Step 5 home!) and become an increasingly pressing issue.
Have more questions? We’ve got the answers!