Grants and Rebates

Unlock Savings and Incentives

Maximize Your Project’s Potential: Access Financial Support through Grants and Rebates for Green Buildings.

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Carbon Wise has helped hundreds of homeowners in navigating the complexities of rebates and grants.

Canada Greener Homes Loan

Offers interest-free financing to help you complete some of the more major retrofits recommended by your energy advisor.

A Pre-Retrofit Energy Audit is the first step to be eligible for the loan. 

From $5,000 to $40,000

Interest-free loans with a repayment term of 10 years to help you undertake major home retrofits.

NearZero Program

Provides up to $40,000 in incentives for reducing the embodied emissions of your project in the City of Vancouver.

We offer FREE support for this program when combined with our New Construction services. 

Up to$40,000

based on the reduction achieved from the baseline of 200 kg CO2e/m².

CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program

The CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Programs provides rebates for improving your home’s energy efficiency through select upgrades.

Up to $6,000

Secondary Suite Incentive Program​

The Secondary Suite Incentive Program provides up to $40,000 to homeowners who create a new secondary suite on their property, which will be rented out at below-market rates for 5 years.

Homeowners can receive up to 50% of the renovation costs, with a maximum rebate of $40,000. This rebate is given as a forgivable loan, meaning it does not need to be repaid if the homeowner adheres to the program’s terms.

Up to $40,000

of a forgivable loan.

CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program

The NEW CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program makes electric heat pumps and efficiency upgrades more affordable for low- and middle-income households (new threshold).

Income-qualified applicants can receive a rebate of as much as $16,000 to switch to high-efficiency heat pumps in homes currently heated with oil, natural gas, and propane.

Homes that require an electrical system upgrade can also qualify for a rebate of up to $5,000 to complete the work.

Up to $21,000

for a heat pump installation and electrical system upgrade in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island.

Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program

The program helps households with median income or less who are currently heating their homes with oil make the transition to a better, more efficient option.

There is no need for a home energy evaluation as part of this program.

Up to $10,000

To cover costs for changing your oil heating system to a cold climate air source heat pump.

This amount includes up to $5,000 from the Canada Greener Homes Grant.

Canada Greener Affordable Housing

This program provides contributions for pre-retrofit activities needed to plan, prepare, and apply for retrofit funding. It also offers forgivable and low-interest loans to help affordable housing providers complete deep energy retrofits on existing multi-unit residential buildings.

Up to $130,000

in contributions for pre-retrofit activities

Loans of up to $170,000

per unit for eligible retrofit costs

CMHC Eco Plus

CMHC’s Eco Plus program offers a partial premium refund of 25% to homeowners who purchase climate-friendly housing.

25% if you’re CMHC

insured and have an energy-efficient home.

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