
Breathe Easy this Holiday Season

Christmas Healthy Home

With the festive season upon us, we’re all gearing up for a joyful time filled with celebrations and gatherings. Amid the holiday hustle, it’s easy to overlook a critical aspect of our surroundings—indoor air quality (IAQ). At Carbon Wise, we’ve put together some quick tips to ensure a healthier home for you, your family, and your guests.


1 – Deck the Halls with Cleaner Air

Decorating your home is a cherished holiday tradition, but it’s essential to be mindful of potential indoor air quality challenges. Here’s how you can improve the air around your holiday decor:

Choose Wisely

Opt for natural and eco-friendly materials, such as sustainably sourced greenery, over synthetic alternatives.

Say No to PVC

Consider PVC-free decorations made from wood, metal, or fabric to avoid harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Air it Out

Before bringing new decorations indoors, especially synthetic ones, air them out in a well-ventilated space to reduce chemical off-gassing.

Ventilate Smartly

Open windows and doors while decorating to disperse any pollutants and let fresh outdoor air circulate.


2 – Cooking Up a Healthier Indoor Air Quality

Holiday cooking is a joy, but it can introduce pollutants. Follow these steps for a healthier cooking environment:

Ventilate Right

Use kitchen exhaust fans to remove cooking-related pollutants and consider installing a range hood vented outside.

Natural Ventilation

Open windows and doors while cooking to bring in fresh outdoor air, especially during high-heat cooking or gas appliance use.

Smart Cooking

Opt for cooking methods that produce fewer emissions, like steaming or boiling, and maintain your appliances for efficient combustion.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning

Use green cleaning products to reduce additional pollutants in the air and maintain a healthier kitchen environment.


3 – Candlelight with Cleaner Choices

Candles create a cozy atmosphere, but some can impact IAQ. Choose candles wisely and follow these tips:

Natural Options

Opt for beeswax, soy, coconut, or palm wax candles over paraffin ones for cleaner burning.

Essential Oils

Scented with essential oils for a natural aroma without synthetic fragrances.

Clean Burning

Look for candles labeled as “clean” or “non-toxic,” and burn them in well-ventilated areas.


4 – Guest-Ready Indoor Air Quality Etiquette

Consider these friendly tips when hosting guests to maintain a healthy indoor environment:

Shoe-Free Zone

Request guests to remove their shoes to prevent outdoor pollutants from entering your home.

Fragrance-Free Options

Provide unscented personal care items for guests, especially if you prefer a fragrance-free environment.

Ventilate Gathering Spaces

Ensure good ventilation, either through a ventilation system or by opening windows, during larger gatherings.

Green Allies

Indoor Plants. Spider Plant, Snake Plant, Peace Lily, Aloe Vera, and Boston Fern: These plants effectively filter out pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene.


By incorporating these friendly suggestions, you can create a festive and healthier indoor environment for everyone. Wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with clean air and celebration! ✨


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